Carnation Absolute

Dianthus caryophyllus L.


Our Carnation Absolute is a precious perfumery material with a delightful and extremely rich, sweet honey-like, bright spicy (clove-like), deep floral aroma with a faint minty-herbaceous undertone in the


Selected size SKU:155-33 - Carnation Absolute 1 ml

$ 13.25
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Product Overview

Our Carnation Absolute is a precious perfumery material with a delightful and extremely rich, sweet honey-like, bright spicy (clove-like), deep floral aroma with a faint minty-herbaceous undertone in the long drydown. In the past, Carnation had been a popular (and dominant) floral perfume note, whereas in modern compositions it is oftentimes used as a modifier of floral bases. But not until now has there been a Carnation Absolute available like what we offer here. We invite you to explore the magic in this extraordinary aromatic treasure from Egypt – we highly recommend it!

The plants used for this absolute are certified organically grown, but the resulting Carnation Absolute cannot be certified organic because solvents used in the extraction process are non-organic. However, this absolute is far above standard Carnation Absolutes with regard to its exquisite aroma – there is no trace of petrochemical solvent vapors, just a clean floral aroma of tremendous tenacity.

There is a mysterious palpable allure that exudes from the aroma, perhaps from its provenance; indeed, history tells us the flowers were associated with love, weddings and fidelity[1], and in the Victorian language of flowers, Carnations symbolize pure love.[2] It was the main flower used by the ancient Greeks in the making of garlands and coronets, thus its name 'coronation' from which the name Carnation is derived.[3]

In modern perfumery, Carnation is mostly used to modify a fragrance to provide warm spicy floral nuances. "Spicy notes are appealing to men, and many men's fragrances … contain Carnation,"[4] an example being one of the most popular and a classic – Shulton's Old Spice introduced in 1937.[5]

1 McIntyre, Anne. The Complete Floral Healer, 2012, p. 14.

2 Ibid, p. 15.

3 Genders, Roy. Scented Flora of the World, 1994, p. 186.



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