Boronia Absolute

Boronia megastigma Nees ex Bartlett


Boronia Absolute – a crown jewel in the perfumer’s palette! Ours possesses a complex, tremendously rich and tenacious earthy floral aroma reminiscent of champaca, with fresh, green, fruity-sweet and tea-


Selected size SKU:131-33 - Boronia Absolute 1 ml

$ 53.75
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Product Overview

Boronia Absolute – a crown jewel in the perfumer’s palette! Ours possesses a complex, tremendously rich and tenacious earthy floral aroma reminiscent of Champaca, with fresh, green, fruity-sweet and tea-like notes, soft cinnamon and tobacco nuances, and a warm, woody-sweet undertone. This unassuming flowering shrub from the wilds of Tasmania with its fruity, floral mystery yields an essence that is surprisingly compatible with dozens of aromatic oils – it is considered one of the most intoxicating in the realm of floral aromas and seems to uplift the heart and spirit.

Boronia megastigma, also known as ‘sweet-scented’ or simply ‘brown’ Boronia is a small shrub in the citrus (Rutaceae) family native to the southwestern tip of Western Australia and later introduced to the island of Tasmania.

The small plum-colored flowers conceal a cheerful yellow surprise interior featuring the mega- (large) stigma (the part of the flower that is hairy or sticky and designed to capture pollen). While most of the fragrance is carried in the plant’s megastigma[1], the ratio of leaf matter to flower is necessarily regulated since the leaves inherently contain waxes that influence the aromatic composition of the extract. A rare gem in the fragrance world, Boronia is often adulterated, and its dominant aromatic compound β-ionone – as in the case of many costly extracts – is mostly or entirely synthetically derived. Our supplier has been on the vanguard of Boronia research and production since the early 1980s, successfully increasing the concentration of β-ionone, through the development of clonal varieties, and improving the overall fragrance profile.[2]

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