Lavender Maillette EO

Lavandula angustifolia Mill.


The distinct aroma of Lavender Maillette – a clonal variety of Lavandula angustifolia that does not reproduce by seed – can be attributed to its dominant ester, linalyl acetate, and a very low camphor content. The aroma is noticeably sweeter than most Lavenders and its clear, crystalline bouquet makes it


Selected size SKU:523-016 - Lavender, Maillette 15 ml (1/2 oz) (w/ orifice reducer)

Sample 1 ml (1/30 oz)
15 ml (1/2 oz)
with orifice reducer
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
236.58 ml (8 oz)
473.17 ml (16 oz)
1 kg (2 1/5 lb)
Solubility & Blending Suggestions
Suggested Resources
Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

The distinct aroma of Lavender Maillette – a clonal variety of Lavandula angustifolia that does not reproduce by seed – can be attributed to its dominant ester, linalyl acetate, and a very low camphor content. The aroma is noticeably sweeter than most Lavenders and its clear, crystalline bouquet makes it a favorite choice in aromatherapy applications for children, in skin care and cosmetics, and in perfumery. Perfumers may also find that the Maillettes are more aromatically consistent from year to year than ‘population’ Lavenders that vary considerably more with each year’s harvest.[1]

In consumer products, true Lavender (called interchangeably Lavandula angustifolia, L. officinalis and L. vera[2]) is often adulterated or replaced by the less expensive, but higher yielding hybrid Lavandins. This substitution only approximates the complex and robust aroma of Lavender and offers a much narrower spectrum of aromatic constituents.[3] Although this iconic plant thrives in poor, rocky soil in many parts of the world, France is still considered to be the premier growing region and is the source of two of our other best-selling Lavender essential oils (High Elevation and Wild).

In aromatherapy, Lavender is one of the most commonly used essential oils due to its general availability, modest price, versatility and universally pleasant scent. Lavender has been an integral part of fine fragrances for centuries – it is a middle to top note, can be used as a perfume modifier, and can also help mask unpleasant aromas of oils you want to use in blends. It is a popular addition to skincare preparations of all types, and is a favorite in diffusers, outdoor sprays, massage blends, and in relaxing baths. Lavender oil has a cooling and drying aroma that is said to help calm the body, mind and spirit. This is one oil that should be part of everyone’s collection!

1 Private Communication

2 Williams, David G. The Chemistry of Essential Oils, 2nd ed., 2008, p. 325.

3 Sheppard-Hanger, Sylla. The Aromatherapy Practitioner Reference Manual, Vol. 1, 1994, p. 263.

Blends Well With

$513.50 / 15 ml
$103.00 / 15 ml
$22.50 / 15 ml
$75.50 / 15 g
$224.25 / 15 g
$9.25 / 15 ml
$57.00 / 15 g


8 Reviews


Customer Reviews

not the true lavender


Ordered 30 ml of this along with 1 ml samples of all other lavenders from here. Unfornunately, not a fan of mailette -- too 'sweet' for my nose. this doesn't smell like the true lavender, so I should have ordered lav. france, or lav. wild, or lav. high elev. Actually, lav. wild is my favorite, the smell is just right for me. so this bottle would sit for years in the fridge, unless I make soap out of it.

Review by Murat 8/2/2023

Smells Wonderful!


I have ordered several types of lavender from multiple vendors and Lavender Maillite is the best one I've found. It smells divine w/little to no camphor scent, which is rare. It also works wonders on my getting a great night's sleep. Eden Botanicals is very customer service oriented and guarantees their oils 100%. They have a very quick turnaround. I've always received my orders earlier than I've ever believed I would.

Review by Karen 1/13/2018



This is the first bad oil I have ever gotten from Eden Botanicals :( It does not smell floral at all!!! All I smell is camphor.... I'm guessing my bottle was just bad though because I have literally never had a bad oil from them since I have started buying from them. But I will probably only buy samples of the other lavender oils from here next time to make sure I actually like the scent. :( From the oils room: Raafiah – We’re so sorry to hear that you are unhappy with our Lavender, Maillette! Please note that we do have a 100% guarantee on all of our products. You can view our full Return Policy here if you would like a refund for your purchase. However, before you consider returning this product to us, we would recommend the following: When sampling essential oils, which are highly concentrated extracts, it is advisable to use a Fragrance Tester Strip (or strip of coffee filter paper). Dip a clean test strip directly into the oil you would like to sample, then waft the test strip under your nose. This will allow you to assess an aroma’s intensity as well as how it can change and evolve over time (‘dry down’). This will provide a much more accurate assessment than smelling directly from the bottle, which overload the senses.

Review by Raafi 12/18/2015



WOW ! This is so beautiful ! Most lavenders I've ordered from other suppliers typically have a more camphor like smell, like most lavenders do. This smells pure + fresh like the lavender I grow but better. So happy with this. Also, the packaging is so meticulous & neat . Thank you !

Review by Danica 4/22/2015

Unsurpassable Quality


This is literally the best lavender essential oil I have ever smelled! It starts extremely well blended and "clear" as Eden states. Then it drys down and begins smelling like new mown hay with a flawless transition from the start. If you are looking for the perfect lavender oil, get this!

Review by BAGreat 3/30/2015

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Take Time to Unwind

It can show up big or small, loud or silent, occasional or chronic, and we all seem to share it these days: STRESS.



Lavender Fields Forever

At the end of June, a few of us at Eden Botanicals had the great pleasure of traveling to France to visit our parent company, Biolandes, and to see various harvesting and distilling locations,



Dilution Solutions

Essential oils are potent and highly concentrated extracts derived from plants. As a frame of reference, a moderately high-producing plant like Lavender