Amber Oil, Fossilized - 5% EO

Oleum succini / Anbar


Unlike the synthetic Amber perfumes that are commonly sold, Fossilized Amber Oil has a completely different aromatic profile. The extraction process yields a dark, viscous oil with smoky, resinous, leathery, tar-like, woody-dry notes and hints of Pine and balsamic overtones.


Selected size SKU:61-3 - Amber Oil, Fossilized - 5% Sample (1 ml)

Sample 3 grams (0.10 oz)
$ 2.00
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Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

Unlike the synthetic Amber perfumes that are commonly sold, Fossilized Amber Oil has a completely different aromatic profile. The extraction process yields a dark, viscous oil with smoky, resinous, leathery, tar-like, woody-dry notes and hints of Pine and balsamic overtones. The aroma is not sweet at all and because of this it is not often used as the main note in a perfume unless modified with other aromatic oils. NOTE: This product is diluted for ease of use and contains 5% Fossilized Amber Oil in 95% Sunflower Oil – Organic. For the pure and undiluted version of this oil, please see our Amber Oil, Fossilized.

While there are several sources for Amber throughout the world, Eden Botanicals is the sole source in North America for this rare form of Fossilized Amber Oil. Compared to the oil extracted from Baltic Amber, our Fossilized Amber Oil is extracted from 35-million-year-old Himalayan fossilized tree resin.[1] Unlike our oils from living plants, there is no essential oil that can be directly obtained from the fossilized resin. Instead, the oil comes from a process called “dry distillation” whereby the Amber resin is processed over high heat until an oily substance is obtained.[2]

When used in trace amounts, Fossilized Amber provides unique and interesting nuances in natural perfumes. It makes an excellent fixative and base note. This product is diluted for ease of use and contains 5% Fossilized Amber Oil in 95% Sunflower Oil – Organic. For the pure and undiluted version of this oil, please see our Amber Oil, Fossilized.

1 Industry communication.

2 Ibid.

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