Rose Otto, Turkey EO

Rosa x damascena Mill.


Our Turkish Rose Otto’s aroma has clear, radiant, floral/fruity top notes over a deep, honey-sweet, wild Rose-type aroma with dense green and subtle peppery nuances. This remarkable essential oil can be incorporated into many skincare and perfumery formulas


Selected size SKU:886-015 - Rose Otto, Turkey 15 ml (1/2 oz)

1 ml (1/30 oz)
2 ml (1/15 oz)
5 ml (1/6 oz)
15 ml (1/2 oz)
30 ml (1 oz)
59.14 ml (2 oz)
118.29 ml (4 oz)
Solubility & Blending Suggestions
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Safety Considerations
Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Product Overview

Our Turkish Rose Otto’s aroma has clear, radiant, floral/fruity top notes over a deep, honey-sweet, wild Rose-type aroma with dense green and subtle peppery nuances. This remarkable essential oil can be incorporated into many skincare and perfumery formulas for a wide range of uses, with profound harmonizing properties for the body, mind and soul. Turkish Rose Otto is a cultural legend of great historic significance – one truly worth exploring.

This very special offering of Turkish Rose Otto is produced by a family that has been distilling roses since the early 1950s in Isparta, southwest Anatolia – the rose capital of Turkey – in stills they designed and built themselves. The rose bushes, which can remain productive for 20-30 years, are harvested by hand from mid-May through mid-June, and although tedious, it is hard to imagine work more heavenly than picking roses! The chemical composition of Turkish Rose Otto is distinguishable from that of Bulgarian Rose Otto due to higher percentages of the two main components – citronellol and geraniol – resulting in a bit more sweetness and strength in the aroma.

With their multi-petaled intricacy, it is no surprise that Rose essential oils and absolutes are among the plant essences with the most chemical complexity. And while many of the more than 400 chemical constituents[1] of Rosa damascena are present in mere trace amounts, they contribute immensely to the sublime and nuanced fragrance we know as Rose. It takes about 4500 kilos (about 9900 pounds) of fresh Rose petals to make 1 kilo of Rose Otto.[2]

In addition to its varied applications in aromatherapy, our organic Turkish Rose Otto is perfect in premium skincare formulations and in fine perfumery compositions. Known as the oil of love, the comforting and inspiring aroma of Rose oil is said to encourage the metaphorical “opening of the heart.” It is especially esteemed for promoting spiritual wellbeing, creating a peaceful ambiance, and as an excellent companion to meditation practices.

1 Rhind, Jennifer Peace. Fragrance and Wellbeing Plant Aromatics and Their Influence on the Psyche, 2014, p. 303.

2 Naturals Compendium, International Flavor & Fragrances, 2009, p. 137.

Blends Well With


6 Reviews


Customer Reviews

Fell short


This product was slightly better than the Bulgarian version but still fell far short of expectations. The scent was bitter and lacked the freshness I associate with quality rose oils. It just didn’t work for me and didn’t have the floral appeal I was hoping for

Review by Rotimi 9/6/2024



This is my absolute favorite Rose Otto. I love the organic Bulgarian as well and use them both, but the Turkish is my personal favorite. I am a Rose lover and grower and this one smells just like a beautiful, deeply fragrant, red rose. Just a tiny bit can transform any blend. Lovely, thank you.

Review by TAM 1/23/2023

Huge disappointment


I was very off put when I smelled this rose. A very off pungent I rose smell for the top note. It’s hard to get past. I should’ve purchased a sample first. I assumed because it was expensive, I would love it. I know it can’t be returned. I will proabably dispose it. From the Oil Room: Thank you for your comment. Please be aware that the scent of essential oils and absolutes can be very strong and not what is expected if smelling them from a bottle. The oils are extremely concentrated - in this case, it’s like smelling the aroma of hundreds of rose blossoms all at once. You will be surprised at the difference it makes if the oil is diluted - perhaps one drop diluted with 15-20 drops of either perfumer’s alcohol, a high proof alcohol (at least 150 proof) or a carrier oil such as jojoba. That is when the aroma more closely resembles what the fresh flowers smell like. We hope you'll give it a try! - we think you’ll be pleased.

Review by Jessica 7/15/2020

strange...might be difficult to use


This is very strange straight out of the bottle. Nothing about how it smells resembles the rose like you get in a rose absolute in any way whatsoever. Very green and herbal. Perhaps the rose smell comes in later on? Perhaps someone from Eden could explain to me how, even though they use the same parts of the rose to create the oil, how an absolute and an otto or essential oil could create such striking differences in terms of how a rose oil smells. I bought a sample of this to try and use it in a blend but now I am having second thoughts about wanting to use it. From the Oil Room: Your observation that rose absolute and rose otto have different aromas is true - it’s due to the difference in extraction of the rose petals. The heat of steam distillation vs solvent extraction (no heat) causes variations in the proportions of the aromatic molecules extracted and will also make a difference in the color and consistency of these two oils. Please note that smelling an oil from the bottle does not allow for an accurate assessment of the aroma. We suggest using a scent strip ( or a narrow strip of unbleached coffee filter paper to evaluate the aroma as well as the subtle changes the aroma has as it dries and how long the aroma lasts. Only when an oil is exposed to air for evaporation does the true nature of its aroma reveal itself. We think you will find these two rose oils have marked similarities as well as wondrous distinctions.

Review by Justin 10/5/2019

Better than Bulgarian Rose Otto


This is more intense than any Rose Otto I've got before! The higher main constituents like citronellal(30%) while the Bulgarian Organic Rose Otto has around 25%. Why hasn't this oil gotten more attention?!

Review by Allie 3/30/2019

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