Aromatherapeutic Blending: Essential Oils in Synergy by Jennifer Peace Rhind


Synergistic blending is at the very core of aromatherapy practice. This book explores the concept of synergy, providing evidence for its existence and significance, and gives practical guidance on how to build aromatherapy blends effectively and safely.

Selected size SKU:1442-1 - Aromatherapeutic Blending: Essential Oils in Synergy

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Product Overview

Synergistic blending is at the very core of aromatherapy practice. This book explores the concept of synergy, providing evidence for its existence and significance, and gives practical guidance on how to build aromatherapy blends effectively and safely.

The author covers new and exciting developments in research into the use of essential oils, explores the merits and limitations of holistic, sensory and molecular approaches to blending, and suggests effective ways of choosing the most suitable approach for individual clients. Evidence-based profiles of essential oils and absolutes are included and comprehensive tables summarizing their actions enable easy identification of potential contenders for synergistic blends.

Throughout the book, the author encourages students and practitioners of all levels to reflect on their practice, appraising the intended outcomes of their blends, so that they can emerge as more knowledgeable and insightful practitioners.


'Aromatherapeutic Blending is a book that every aromatherapy practitioner should own and every aromatherapy educator should incorporate into their curriculum.' - Lora Cantele, Editor of The International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy

'Jennifer Peace Rhind draws from her many years of study, experience and exploration, and combines her insights with a rigorous scientific understanding to shed new light on the actions and character of individual essential oils, together with ideas on how best to combine them into blends.' - Gill Farrer-Halls, LLSA, MIFA, author of The Spirit in Aromatherapy and the Aromatherapy Bible

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