Davana EO

Artemisia pallens Wall. ex DC.


Davana essential oil is first and foremost an oil with an aroma that remains powerful, even when highly diluted. Its aroma is exceptionally rich, diffusive and very fruity/boozy, and sweetly herbaceous


Selected size SKU:280-33 - Davana 1 ml

$ 4.25
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Product Overview

Davana essential oil is first and foremost an oil with an aroma that remains powerful, even when highly diluted. Its aroma is exceptionally rich, diffusive and very fruity/boozy, and sweetly herbaceous with warm wood undertones and a slight camphoraceous note. This specialty essential oil is used in perfumery for its unique aroma and its extremely tenacious character.

Artemisia pallens is an aromatic herb indigenous to southern India[1] where Davana blossoms are offered in daily rituals to Lord Shiva. Davanone, a sesquiterpene ketone, is the dominant molecule responsible for both the aroma and diffusive intensity of Davana oil.

Given its potency and typically high ketone percentages, Davana oil should be used in extremely small concentrations within aromatherapy or perfumery blends. Sue Clarke, author of Essential Chemistry for Aromatherapy, agrees with many others in the field that ketones should be used mindfully (at a maximum of 2%), not for prolonged periods of time, and not at all during pregnancy.[2]

1 Wells, F.V. and Marcel Billot. Perfumery Technology Art:Science:Industry, 2nd ed., 1981, p. 77.

2 Clarke, Sue. Essential Chemistry for Aromatherapy, 2nd ed., 2008, pp. 68-9.

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